Jun 25, 2024

Project updates

Environmental Maintenance at Kitimat River Side Channel


LNG Canada is committed to the health and sustainability of our local ecosystems. Working with Bird Construction and Stantec, we are executing an environmental maintenance program at the Kitimat River Side Channel (KRSC).

In 2020, we completed the construction of the KRSC fisheries offset, a project mandated under a Fisheries Act Authorization for our plant site. This effort aimed to enhance local fish habitats by ensuring continued flow and access for fish species, particularly during critical spawning periods.

Despite routine annual maintenance, natural accumulations of woody debris and sediment have begun to restrict water flow into the side channel, necessitating a more comprehensive intervention.

Our plan involves a two-phase maintenance operation:

Phase 1: Starting March 4, over the course of approximately one week, we will remove woody debris above water. This proactive step is taken to prevent bird nesting in the area, which could limit our ability to conduct necessary work during the summer.

Phase 2: Commencing July 1, we will undertake the removal of the remaining woody debris and dredge sediment from the area. This phase is expected to last about two weeks.

These efforts are carefully scheduled to align with environmental work windows, ensuring minimal disruption to the oolichan and migratory bird seasons, and are in the least risk period for fisheries on the Kitimat River. Our goal is to complete these activities well before the 2024 salmon spawning season.

This maintenance is critical for maintaining the flow of river water into the side channel during low river levels, especially during the summer and fall salmon spawning periods. Successful flow of river water and access to the channel will support the salmon population’s health, and ensure the KRSC’s long-term success as a vital fish habitat.

In 2024, we will closely monitor the KRSC’s effectiveness, focusing on key success criteria such as hydraulic connectivity, water levels, water quality, and overall fish utilization.

LNG Canada is committed to upholding its environmental responsibilities and contributing positively to the biodiversity of Kitimat-Stikine. We appreciate the community’s support and understanding as we undertake these necessary works to support our shared natural environment.

To provide feedback, ask questions or share concerns, please call: 250.632.5358 or 1.888.499.5358 or email info@jfjvkitimat.com.

Completing the Kitimat River Side Channel project – North and South

The Kitimat River Side Channel project – North and South is complete! Area Construction Managers, Trevor Feduniak and David O’Donnell and Environment Team Lead Rob St. Jean, talk about this complex project and the transition from construction to effectiveness monitoring.

Interested in learning more about this project?

Initial project work: https://youtu.be/fIy_ECzTTu8

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