Apr 08, 2019

Project updates

Take an interactive tour through LNG Canada’s facility


On October 1, 2018, following seven years of community engagement and consultation with First Nations, local communities, all levels of government, the business community, regulators and many others, LNG Canada made history when we announced our Joint Venture Participants’ Final Investment Decision to build an LNG export facility in Kitimat, B.C. One day later, the Project moved into the construction phase with progress now well underway.

Interested in seeing what our facility will look like? Take an interactive site tour by clicking play below:

The rendering in this interactive site map shows the LNG Canada project at full build out, which includes both Phase 1 and Phase 2. LNG Canada is currently in construction for Phase 1.

About our facility

Key features of our proposed facility include:

About our project

From the beginning, LNG Canada set out to be a company in a category of one – the project of choice for British Columbia and Canada. We made every decision keeping safety, economic, environmental and community interests top-of-mind.

Along with our prime contractor JGC Fluor, we will continue to work closely with the community, First Nations and municipal, regional, provincial and federal levels of government to understand how our company can help achieve collective social, economic and environmental aspirations.

We are working to minimize potential environmental impacts – whether at the site or in the marine environment. We are committed to listening, learning and working together to share information, to share value, and to meet the needs of the community.

We believe LNG Canada can be a catalyst for northern B.C. development and an opportunity for British Columbians in both the north and south of the province, to realize benefits through employment and the economic contributions.

LNG Canada is a project of national significance and will enable Canada to access new trading partners for its abundant natural resources. Read more.

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